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About our travel agency - History - Corporate Biography
Our main office in Huaraz, Peru - South America
"Peru Expeditions Tours EIRL: International Adventures & Expeditions" Adventure Travel Agency was originally founded by Victor Albino more than 35 years ago. Who started this business Victor Albino has worked as a porter, donkey driver, cook and as a guide for European customers..
Having so much experience to rely on, his son, Juventino Martin Albino Caldua, who has followed his father footsteps in to tourism, started guiding in 1980 and studied 3 years at the
“Peruvian School of Mountain Guides - Casa de Guias CEAM - Centro de Estudios de Alta Montaña” Formed under a bilateral agreement called the ‘’ Alps - Andes Project ‘’ between Switzerland and Peru, Its objectives are to form professional guides (School of mountain Guides) to be an official mountain guide the
AGMP ‘’Asociación de Guías de Montaña del Perú’’ belongs to the UIAMG (Asociación Internacional de Guías de Montaña de todo el Mundo) which ensures dedicated, professional service..
Our company documents
Since completing his studies, he has worked intensively with the European Guides members UIAGM, organizing expeditions to the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huayhuash in the Ancash State, Peru..
At the moment he is a member of
AGMP - UIAGM as a Professional Mountain Guide.
Juventino Martin Albino Caldua, son of Victor Albino has gathered an immense amount of experience by working with his father and foreign associations has finally founded the Adventure Travel Agency
“Peru Expeditions” in South America and manages the business as the General Manager..
Juventinos has 3 sons, Eric Albino Lliuya is the oldest one, he has 31 years old and he is is from the same
“Peruvian School of Mountain Guides - Casa de Guias CEAM - Centro de Estudios de Alta Montaña” who has following his father footsteps in to tourism. Also Eric climbed to different peaks in the Alps of Europe
Eric Albino Lliuya is follow with new destination as well tour leader in diferent countries in South America. .
Eric at the moment he is a member of
AGOMP (Asociación de Guías Oficiales de Montaña del Perú) as a Professional Mountain Guide.
The other 2
Edwin and Elmer are Twins, they are 21 years all and they both are studying for official trekking guide.
Our family team 1996 in our village Unchus-Peru
The Family of Mr. Juventino. left Edwin,Eric, Elmer continuing; Dina the mather above her Juventino, continuing cousin Tania, Dina's sister Gregoria & the Dina's mother Clemencia, the photo is in the year 1960.....
Our family team - Albino Lliuya
Juventino Albino Caldua
Certified professional guide by:
Telephone: (+51) 943081066
Languaje: He Speaks, Spanish, Quechua, English & Italian
Eric Albino Lliuya
General Sales Manager of Peru expeditons
Telephone: (+51) 943081066 /
RPM: #949532399
Languaje: He Speaks, Spanish, Quechua, English & some german
Our family works in tourism since 1970 - 2025
We work in tourism for many years, our children today are already the third generation as working in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huayhuash.
Our past year was a great season/time together with one of our main partners from Austria: Edi Koblmüller founded "Das BergSpechte" in 1978 and was until the takeover/bought by Hauser Exkursionen (one of the biggers companies in Germany), on 1rst July 2014. Successful boss Specht.
Edi Koblmüller † On 16 April 2015 at the Kazbek fatal accident in Georgia. On Thursday, April 16, 2015, we received the sad news and are deeply concerned that
"Altspecht" Edi Koblmüller had an accident with a tragic accident fatal along with a trip participant a ski group of
BergSpechte. The two casualties were most 16/4/2015 afternoon in ice of the
(5047 m) high Kasbeks in Georgia found dead and then rescued with a helicopter. According to information from the group came
Edi Koblmüller and the participant in a snowstorm and were forced to spend the night outdoors.
Edi Koblmüller, who led the group as a mountain guide, one of the best known and most experienced mountaineers in Austria -
with 5 eightthousand ascents and many first ascents he is considered a great mountain pioneer of his time. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victim!

The childen of Mr. Juventino and Madam Dina They follow the same steps and continue with the company
Peru expeditions: Mountainbike • Hiking • Adventure • Trekking • Culture • Climbing • Expedition

Juventino Albino Caldua and Edi Koblmüller Certified professional guides by IVBV - UIAGM - IFMGA
Valley Ishinca: In the Base Camp of Nevado Tocllaraju (4350 m) - 2005

Our team Marco Reyes, Dina Lliuya, Juventino Albino & Marco's daughter Gabriela
Mountainbike • Hiking • Adventure • Trekking • Culture • Climbing • Expedition

Our logistics carriers/transport in the treks and mountain in the Cordillera Blanca and Huayhuash
Mountainbike • Hiking • Adventure • Trekking • Culture • Climbing • Expedition

Juventino Albino Caldua on the Summit of (5495m) with Austrian grouo - Das BergSpechte team
Mountainbike • Hiking • Adventure • Trekking • Culture • Climbing • Expedition